• Human rights education
  • Feminist organizing and political education
  • Sexual gender-based violence
  • Activism
  • Children rights
  • Feminist economy
  • Solidarity and  psychosocial support
  • Participatory action research
  • Gender equality
  • Social justice and movement build and research


Through our extensive research and determined campaign, we help in fighting abuses of women, children, and girls in Kenya.  We educate communities at the grassroots on human rights. We advocate for those going against human rights to justice. We specialized our focus because in our community because we found that our women and girls are more vulnerable to violence, rape, and defilement. We aim at changing oppressive laws and help people jailed because of voicing their opinion receive freedom.

Human Rights Education

Educating people on their human rights acts as an empowerment process as people become more aware of their rights. Hence helping them to be in control of their own lives and decisions affecting them. This helps in advocating for justice and dignity for all.

Sexual Gender Based Violence

Speaking against gender-based violence greatly supports basic human rights. Gender-based violence affects the victims both physically and mentally. It also results to lower productivity and in general reduced economic output and growth. It is crucial to help all people undergoing it recover and receive justice. It is good to help regain self-worth to move on to achieve greater things in life.

Children Rights

Some children are oppressed and they lack knowledge of their rights. We help children leaving in oppression gain justice and better living standards. We also aim at helping them receive basic needs. We know that they are the future of tomorrow and protecting them is protecting our future.

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