Here’s the Pussy Power Festival calendar:
We’ve got some dope online and in person events, so make sure you bookmark these dates in your calendar.
🎤 Instagram live on Feminist Joy with @swaibapodcast
❤ Festival opener in Mathare bringing feminists from informal settlements in Nairobi together
📈 Facebook live with leading feminist funders and activists on resourcing the grassroots feminist movements
📽 Feminist art and documentary showcase
🎧 DJ live stream and feminist dance parties
We still need your support and solidarity to make this all happen. A place or feeling of belonging.
You can add contributions to our fundraiser.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
Morbi dictum pulvinar risus, vitae sollicitudin nibh tempus nec. Integer eget orci scelerisque diam dignissim.